Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 fantastic blogs I like

Fantastic Blog #1 http://www.bestweekever.tv/
This blog is a collection of music, TV, movie and entertainment stories that gets updated on a week to week basis. I really enjoy this blog because it is like reading a pop culture newspaper that can accessed at any time. It is full of funny and interesting stories told in many different and hilarious perspectives.

Fantastic Blog #2 http://phrecklesphotography.com/blog/
I love this blog because it shows many variations of child photography. From newborns to senior pictures, candid photos to posed it has everything. As an aspiring child photographer it gives me the opportunity to study and learn techniques from the professionals.

Fantastic Blog #3 http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
Postsecret is a blog were people send in their most horrifying, embarrassing, sad or funny secrets. I really like this blog because it provides a way for people to talk to people and gain support without having to talk to anyone at all.

Fantastic Blog #4 http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/series/1000novels
I am a major bookworm so this blog is a great way for me to finds books to read. It has everything from science fiction to drama and the descriptions of the books helps me find exactly what I am in the mood for.

Fantastic Blog #5 http://storyoffaith.blogspot.com/
This blog shares inspiration stores about faith, hope, love and joy through e-mails and articles. I like this blog because it shows the positive side of people and is not full of all the negativity that we see on a day to day basis.

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