Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weird Facts about Redheads

After spending some time researching facts about Redheads on the Internet I have realized that people in the old days really didn't like us. They either that we were witches (in the literal meaning of the word) or that we were sexually frustrated. I really don't know were they came up with this stuff. So I have complied a list of some of the craziest and just plain weird "facts" about redheads.
*My information was gathered using the website*

1. Red hair is seen on the heads of only four percent of people. Most of these exist in the U.K., the Republic of Ireland, and Australia.

2. The color Green tempers red. Look at a color chart. This is why redheads are taught as children to wear lots of green. As if red hair is a shameful state of being.

3. The first human redheads walked this earth about 50,000 years ago in Africa and then spread throughout Northern Europe.

4. Adolph Hitler reportedly banned the marriages of two redheads as he feared their children would be “deviant offspring”.

5. Bees are thought to sting redheads more than others.

6. In Denmark it is an honor to have a redheaded child.

7. In Poland, if you pass three redheads you'll win the state lottery.

8. In Greek Mythology, redheads turn into Vampires when they die.

9. Ancient Greeks died their hair red to show courage.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Redhead Spotlight: Molly Ringwald

Molly Ringwald has shown her passion for performing since the tender age of five, when she started acting in small roles at the local community theater. At the age of eleven she received a role playing Molly Parker in the hit television show The Facts of Life. Her big break came three years later, however, when she was offered the lead in the movie Sixteen Candles directed by John Hughes. From there she would find herself working for Hughes two more times, in the movies Pretty in Pink and The Breakfast Club. Earning her the cover of Time Magazine and many adoring teenage fans.
After her time spent acting for Hughes she acted in a few TV shows and performed in the Broadway play Caberat.
In 1992 she moved to Paris where she remains, living with her husband Panio Gianopoulos and her daughter Mathilda.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

We have names, and carrot-top isn't one of them!

Names Never to Call a Redhead: Seriously, we will hit you.
1. Ginger
2. Carrot-Top
3. Agent Orange
4. Fire Ball
5. Little Orphan Annie
6. Fire Crotch
7. Tomato Head
8. Trusty Rusty
9. Chucky
10. Pippy Longstockings
11. Leprechaun
12. Bozo
13. Chili Pepper
14. Jimmy Neutron
15. Eliza Thornberry